Renaissance of pattern in interior design and home decor

Renaissance of pattern in interior design and home decor

After a few years of preferencing neutral-toned, minimalistic interior choices, pattern and vibrant colours are making a comeback, and are slowly but surely taking over the design scene. 

This change is happening for several reasons. Let’s get the obvious one out of the way - interior design is a trend-driven industry, going in cycles. Acknowledging that, we believe that there is a more profound process igniting this direction shift. 

The last decade has been socially challenging (to say the least). Multiple global events have had psychological consequences on all of us. Overcoming them has urged people to start paying attention and working on the connection to their inner emotional world. The process of finding new, fulfilling forms of self-expression has become a recurring theme in our daily routine. Part of it is recognizing the immediate connection between our mood and the environment we inhabit, leading to a whole new approach to (re)designing it. The impact of interior design on the subconscious and choices we make when deciding how our homes will look have a proven effect on our emotional well-being. 

Just like art is imitating life, living spaces are reflecting one’s personality. No human is a blank, white canvas. The time has come for us to step out of the monochromatic boxes we’ve been inhabiting and explore the extraordinary world of pattern, searching for the perfect home decor pieces to complement our inner universe.  

We’ve said a few words about the “why”, and it is time to focus on the “how” in matters of pattern in interior design and home decor.

What role does pattern play in interior design?

Mediterranean Dreams Throw Pillow Set by Alisa Textile

Subtle emotional signals from our surroundings are influencing our perception at all times. When we think of interior design, we usually focus on light, colors, configuration, scale, proportions, acoustics, and materials. Often home textiles are perceived as an afterthought. More often patterned textiles are viewed as outdated. Contrary to popular opinion, we at Alisa Textile believe them to be an integral component of the design as a whole.

We cannot think of an item that makes a space more inviting than a beautiful throw pillow on the couch or at the top of the bed. Nothing raises the energy levels in the home like a thoughtful mix and match of patterns. They can help transform an ordinary color scheme into a breathtaking feast for the eye while being visual ambassadors, representing the owner’s philosophy and mindset. We are not here to live a boring life, so why should our homes be?

The most common patterns in interior design

Hello, Sailor - you have guessed correctly - stripes (vertical and horizontal) are probably the most common pattern in interior design and home textiles. Followed by geometric patterns, florals, organic motifs (check our Mediterranean Dreams collection), and last but not least is the king of the jungle - the animal pattern. Of course, there are more complex patterns, but those are the basics for a start.

Home Decor Pattern Types Illustration by Alisa Textile

How do patterns transform a room?

The functional purposes of patterns are well known. They draw attention to the part of the room they are incorporated in, adding a sense of motion and direction. Bold motifs and colors create contrast and add depth while balancing out the neutral shades in the space, establishing a new look and feel of the room. There is just nothing that speaks louder than a pattern when it comes to designing our environment. Some might say they add “drama” to the space. We would choose the word “life” instead. Especially when an area lacks spirit, you should try to introduce patterns to elevate it. 

There is an added value in integrating patterns in our life. They speak of our personality. The color, size, and form tell our unique story and draw attention to a part of our emotional history. If chosen mindfully, home decor pieces and textiles can be a permanent mood uplifter right there, in front of our eyes.

Sometimes more is better

Matching different patterns is no longer a taboo in interior design. If done thoughtfully, your eyes and mind won’t be overwhelmed - on the contrary - you will experience a reduction of stress and anxiety. Think of the different motifs as a team - there has to be fair play in mixing them in a room, so they bring out the best of each other and render the right intention. 

Alisa Textile tip:

Incorporate similar patterns in different colors or different patterns in complementary shades.

Want to be brave? - Don’t shy away from decorative pieces in high-contrast colors. 

Choosing the right patterns for you

Pink Lemons Throw Pillow by Alisa Textile

We hope you feel comfortable because choosing the right pattern for you is as personal as it gets. The main objective is that it provides a positive emotional response. So being in the moment and understanding your emotional perception of a room is the first step in making a difference in your home.

Alisa Textile tip: 

Choose a focal point - incorporate your main pattern. It will be your happy place, and you can always complement it with variations in different scales and colors.

Don’t forget to have fun in the process!  


Now comes the part where we are supposed to talk about warm and cool tones (and we are going to at some point), about large or small-scaled patterns (this will become an interesting topic, too). The theoretical knowledge doesn’t matter if the home decor piece doesn’t make you happy. When choosing how to incorporate a pattern, pick the one that suits the mood you want to capture. Stay true to your emotions, and there will be no better designer for your home than you!

Thank you for taking your time and reading this Alisa Textile article. 
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Love, Alisa

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